Pfizer Shot #2

Pfizer Shot Two, My poem for you

Our world is a mess
But I still hold hope, I confess
Though many profess
to have the solutions 
They’ll utter social promises
They’ll offer resolutions 

The key ingredient
that needs to be spread—
The words that need to be said-
Kindness, concern and love 
From our heart
and not from our head

Heading out for this shot today 
My mind filled with anxiety
I pull the car over
Turn the flashing lights on
I need to Pray,
so I pray a Psalm

Dear God of Covid and Cancer,
In the next variant for the world to see 
In the next tumor progression inside of me 
Please spread the contagion 
of love and compassion, 
Kindness and humanity

Have those multiplying inside of people 
In their Season of Cancer
In their Days of Covid

And may our next scans show 
High levels of increased activity 
Suspicious for love 

And numerous sites 
with proclivity for kindness 
And compassion
That’s our answer
That’s our cure 

Dear God of Covid & Cancer
If you could— 
Spread this comfort
Over our entire earth 
Our places of birth
We could understand
Our worth

We would stop the hate - it’s NOT our fate
Not ours to decide.
When you disrupt the universe  
You disrupt her tide
Mother Nature 
We need you
as our Guide

My left blinker on
Pulling back on the road
My prayer was sent up 
in Universe Code

Converse with the people
Take my words- do your part
And send them via feelings 
to every beating heart

Put the beat of my prayer 
in the rhythm of your heart 
The sound can defeat
what is wrong with the planet 
Dear God of the Universe, 
Take this love,
Go and plant it.

Pfizer shot number two
Sexy modern mRNA
Moderna or whatever 
You’ll get today

God of Covid & Cancer 
Universe I’m pleading
Hear my prayer while 
my own heart’s still beating

15 minutes I have to wait 
Praying while writing out my fate 

Gold Beads of Prayers 
Drum Beats of Prayer
Songs of Love 
Final Chorus of Compassion
Words of truth
Spread this Loving-Kindness
May humanity take fast action 


3/20/21 UCLA Pfizer Vaccine#2
©Flori Hendron



My Own Skin
